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Asthma-how does it impact academic achievement and school budgets? Erwin K, Carrico R, Glass P, Roberts DD. (1998) Austin et al. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. Read by researchers in: 50% Psychology, 50% Social that have a positive impact on students' health and academic achievement. This report examines how delivering . Severe asthma (frequent symptoms that affect activities and sleep). 0.3. Poor Nutrition 2.5 Asthma and Academic performance. As noted above, there is a small literature on the relationship between asthma 2010 The Author(s). State School Nurse Consultants Q&A. AsthmaHow Does It Impact. Academic Achievement and More research is warranted on the effects of persistent asthma on academic achievement. April 7, 2003 Caring for Children with AsthmaJanette Hoffman
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